Thursday, March 1, 2012


Winnie did not believe in fairy tales. She did not want to marry a prince. The story could be true to Winnie.And yet: Jessie said it feels fine to tell some one.Second,I am going to ask some QUESTIONS is this a book with dental or not a book with dental ? Second, one dose this book come from the library? Last, one does this book tell lots of things?yes...yes it dose I answerd that anyway that was fun oh did and if you did not want me to ask questions sorry.Any who the man in the yellow suit knocked on the door and said ah! may I come in and the man said I know who toke your little girl. 
Jessie took Winnie for a boat ride but when Jessie was telling Winnie about the lifecycle they got stuck and  could  not get out. But just then the Tuck family came running and found them! They said somebody  stole  our horse! The man in the yellow hat stole it! But they did not know. The man in the yellow hat came riding to the Fosters house he knocked and Grandma answered. Hello he said I know where your child is... dun dun dun 


the tucks took Winnie home and then Winnie had dinner with them in the parlor then Jessie took Winnie on a ride in the rowboat and they talked about  how water evaporates into the clouds and it turns into rain and how it is like a life cycle and that tucks life cycle just stopped  and they have to stay how ever old they are know for ever.then when they got home they saw that the horse was missing the man in the yellow suite stole there horse dun dun dunn"

DB ch. 11-13

Winnie wanted to go home. The man in the yellow suit follows Miles and Jesse. Miles and Jesse are part of the Tuck family. The Tuck family is a family who can live forever! The man in the yellow suit stole the Tucks horse. He tied their horse to the Fosters fence and he knocked on their door and told them that he knew where Winnie was. What will happen next?

Setting: the woods.
Problem: the Tucks live forever.
Antagonist: the man in the yellow.
Protagonist: the Tuck family, and Winnie